

Dear Diary 1/29

I'm homeless now.  It is the last days of my job and I came home to find my roommate had gone through my room, drawers, boxes, and taken lots of things.  She hid them in a room to which she had forgotten she had given me the key to.  My bathroom was in that room.  I thought it was odd that it was locked, but when I went in, there was ALL my stuff!  She was hiding it from me!  That's it, I've got to get out of here. Between all the crazy sex stuff and this, there is no way I am staying here. It's not good.

Mountain guy came over with his truck as I frantically packed every one of my belongings into the few boxes that I had.  As soon as he was here, we loaded all my stuff into the back of the truck and I took off. 

I can't move into my apartment for a while, so a friend said she would let me stay at her house tonight.  She lives with her mother, so I don't think I can live there for a week.  I leave on my climbing trip in a couple days, but I still do not know where I am going to stay for the next couple nights.  I hate this feeling and I don't know what I should do.

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